My day yesterday was one of the more interesting ones I’ve had in the history of my business and I have to say you were the reason for that. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the advice you gave me. I took your analogy of treating my business like a machine and separating Nancee from that has empowered me. I used this and made a very powerful opening to my staff meeting yesterday. I can’t even explain how empowering this made me feel and the amazing part was that after this was expressed to my staff, I had an entirely different and very respectful response from them. They took what I said and instead of making our 2 hour meeting a (pardon my French) bitch session, they contributed to our planning in a positive manner. I told them that I had made a decision to move the Black Orchid to an entirely new level. I explained to them that I’ve spent 3+ years feeding them business and teaching them how to feed themselves. I’ve been afraid to bring new people on in fear I couldn’t feed them all. But I’ve realized that they’ve been taught, it’s time to put it in action. I have 2 stations that are not being used. I have 2 stations that are used only part time. I woke up yesterday realizing that the machine will work better if these stations are filled. So my intentions were to begin immediately my search for possible candidates. Sorry for the long email…but I want you to know just how much you inspired me. Thank you is just not enough.